Should i turn off water when on vacation?


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should i turn off water when on vacation


Should i turn off water when on vacation? While the planning of the trip itself is exciting, these lists of checks to do before leaving the house can be very overwhelming. Very simple things can easily slip the mind, such as whether or not it is necessary to shut off your water supply. Such a simple action will have huge implications for your house and put your mind at rest. Now, let’s dive into the reasons you might want to turn off your water when traveling and how to do it right.

should i turn off water when on vacation
should i turn off water when on vacation

 Reasons Why You Should Not Leave Water On

1. Water Damage: Now, when you are away from home for any amount of time, one of the first ideas that come into your head is water damage. What was a small leak could blossom into a disaster in no time if it is not caught in time. Picture coming home to a soaked floor or a more saturated ceiling that has cracked open from a busted pipe.

2. Burst Pipes: Allow water to turn on in cold climates and you could have pipes freezing and busting. Water expands while freezing, and this might provide enough force to crack or even burst open a pipe. That could be an expensive fix.

3. Appliance Failure: Most of the water-using appliances, like washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters, have the tendency to break down. This type of failure can lead to a leak of the system. Even a small malfunction might create huge water damage over some time.

4. Peace of Mind: You are assured that you have taken all measures to avoid potential damage to water when you will be away from home. Now you can freely go out and have a good time without bothering about what is going on at your house.

Why Some People Leave Water On

1. Convenience: One common reason that stops people from turning off their water when leaving is convenience—the convenience of arriving back home to a house with full service. Suppose you turn your water off; this would mean you have to turn it back on when you return, and this could just be such a drag when you are totally weary from traveling.

2. Plants and Pets: If there are plants or pets that have to be watered and taken care of while you are away, then the faucet will have to be running. You may take help from one of your neighbors or friends, who can visit your place once in a while, check everything, water the plants, or feed the pets, in such an eventuality something comes up.

How to Shut Off Your Water Supply

If you’ve decided that it’s better to shut off the supply of water, then here are the steps so you do this job right:

Where’s that Main Shut-Off Valve?: Except in very few cases, there will always be one main water shut-off valve located near your meter. The setup is usually in the basement, garage, or even outside near the foundation of most homes.

Turn off the Valve: Rotate it clockwise once located to turn off the water service completely. Lever-type valves need only a turn until it is perpendicular to the pipe.

Open all the taps and flush the toilets to try and remove as much of the water content out of the pipes once the main supply has turned off. At low temp, pipes will not freeze

Leaks: Take a tour of your house before leaving and identify any leaks or spigots that are dripping. Fix them to avoid problems while you are away.

Practical Considerations

1. Quick trips: When you are going to be gone only a couple of days, maybe a weekend at most, you may decide that turning off the water isn’t necessary. Chances are pretty slim for something happening that quick.

2. Long Absence: In the case of a long holiday, more so those going to last a week or more, it is usually advised to turn off your main water supply. The longer you are away, the higher the risk of something going wrong.

3. Should i turn off water when on vacation? It’s all about personal preference. It’s your call to take the risk or go by the benefit; it’s whatever makes you comfortable.

Real Life Scenarios

Let’s take a few real-life scenarios that underline the need for turning off your water before traveling:

Scenario 1: A burst pipe

Emily skipped town for two weeks of vacation and forgot to turn off the water. While she was away, one of the pipes burst upstairs in her bathroom. By the time she got back, the water had flowed from the bathroom into the downstairs living area, soaking floors, walls, and most of the furniture. Repairs were long and expensive.

Situation 2: A Peaceful Return

When Mark went away for work for a month, he turned off his water, first closing the main valve and then running off his pipes. He came back and everything was exactly as he had left it, Should i turn off water when on vacation? and he easily turned back on the water.

He set his mind at rest; now, with him having taken such measures, nothing of the sort would take place—nothing that would be a possible threat to his house because of water.

Alternatives to Shutting Off Water

If you do not want to turn off the water supply to your whole house, here are a few alternatives:

1.Water Leak Detectors: Consider putting in water leak detectors at your residence. This gadget can inform you of a potential leak before it has time to occur, or at best, before it becomes a big issue.

2. Appoint a neighbor or friend: Unless you shut off the water supply, appoint a neighbor or any dear friend to peep into the house from time to time. He can assure that everything is fine and set any that occurs right.

should i turn off water when on vacation
should i turn off water when on vacation


Should i turn off water when on vacation? So, is it necessary to shut off your water when you leave? If all the above sounds too much trouble, consider the possible advantages long outstrip the hassle. That could save you from water damage, protect you from the problem of possible frozen pipes, and even give you peace of mind while you’re away. Proper steps tailored to your particular situation would therefore be very invaluable in making up your mind to do what’s best for the house. Then you can enjoy your travels without worrying about possible water problems at home.

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