how to sell your hotel room reservation


How to sell your hotel room reservation


Booking a hotel room is the first thing people do while planning their vacation or business trip. Sometimes, unexpected circumstances may trap you with a non-refundable hotel reservation that you can’t use. Good news: most of the time, you don’t actually need to lose your money.You can sell the booked hotel room to another person. The article is going to help understand how one could sell a hotel room reservation successfully with legal consideration about the right platforms and tips to be successful in that.

How to sell your hotel room reservation
How to sell your hotel room reservation

Understanding the Terms of Your Reservation

It’s important to know the conditions that govern your booking before you attempt to sell your hotel room reservation. Not all reservations can be sold or transferred, so you should check for a few things first:

Cancellation Policy: Know for sure the policy in case you need to cancel a booking. If it does allow for refunds, canceling it could be much easier than trying to sell. Selling, in this case, sell your hotel room reservation would be the only way you would recover something or most of your costs from a nonrefundable reservation.

  • Nontransferable: Some hotel reservations are non transferable, where the guest who makes a reservation should be the one who will check in. If it is essential, a person should check with a hotel if it can allow the changing of the name on the reservation. On agreeing, then one is able to transfer their reservation by updating the name to the new guest.
  • Legal Considerations: There may be some legal considerations in selling a hotel reservation, so be very aware of them. The sale needs not to be against the policy of the hotel or the law in that location. Sometimes, some places have certain conditions about travel accommodations’ resale.

Deciding Where to Sell Your Reservation

After you have confirmed that your booking is transferable and you are now in a position to sell, the next thing is to find the right that will aid you in selling. Here are a few websites and platforms where you can list your hotel room reservation for sale:

  • Roomer Travel: Roomer is one of the largest platforms through which hotel reservations can be resold. This website serves as the intermediary between individuals who have made non-refundable hotel reservations but can’t go and travel enthusiasts who are seeking accommodation at cut-rate prices. Listing a reservation involves creating an account, filling in the details of the booking, sell your hotel room reservation and the price being asked. Roomer charges a small percentage on completion of a sale transaction.

  • There are also a number of such websites that facilitate the selling of non-refundable hotel reservations by travelers who have canceled their trips. This includes Cancelon, as through this one can easily list their booking, put a price on it, and then wait for a buyer who may well offer a deal for your reservation. There’s, of course, the commission fee that the website charges.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA AND TRAVEL FORUMS: If you wish to sell the reservation directly, then go on social media sites like Facebook or maybe even Twitter. Another option for finding a buyer is through travel forums on platforms such as TripAdvisor or the travel-related subreddits on Reddit. Be wary of divulging too much personal information and of making sure the actual transaction is secure.

  • Ebay: Hotels may be sold on eBay as either “Buy It Now” or at an auction. The latter should include the relevant information, such as dates the reservation is good for, amenities provided, and information about the hotel reservation.

Pricing Your Reservation

Proper pricing of your hotel room reservation is a key determinant to attract buyers and make a hit sale. Among the things one could be targeting at doing right and that should be factored if the sales were to happen included:

  • Original Purchase Price: Above all, consider the original price of what you paid for the reservation. Since buyers are looking for good deals, setting a price at or even below the original purchase price will make the reservation be purchased quicker.

  • Market Demand – it tells you of the trend of the hotel room demand at your reservation location at that point in time. Major events or peak periods allow you to sell at a premium. On the contrary, if the demand is low, it might prompt you to give a discount.

  • Type of room and inclusions: Think of the value that the type of room booked carries with it, and the inclusions that have been attached to the same. It may be ocean views, complimentary breakfasts, or even scintillating premium and exclusive facilities that could easily sum up toward a larger resale value.

  • Flexibility: Any kind of flexibility with your reservation, such as the ability to change the check-in date, will add more value to any interested buyer.

Tips for Successful Sale

Selling hotel room reservations are easy, but the following tips will help increase the success percentage. 

  • Truthful and Transparent • Provide all details of your reservation—hotel name, location, type of room, and special facilities. In creating trust with the buyer, honesty is the magic word.

  • Use High-Quality Images: Post high-quality images of the hotel and the room you are offering. Images can attract buyers, and it allows them to have a preview of what they are buying.

  • Respond Quickly: Answer any questions about the property that potential buyers may have. Quick, transparent communication will sell the property without boring the buyer in some way that would divert them to look up other listings.

  • Be ready to haggle: It is always worth haggling on the price with the purchaser. If you’re feeling that your reservation isn’t selling quick enough. Be prepared to increase your offer or sweeten your deal with things like paying any name change costs. Be sure to accept a secure payment method that will save you and the purchaser from probable problems. Secure payment is taken care of by Roomer and Cancelon. But if you sell directly. You would want to consider something like PayPal, which protects the buyer and seller alike.

Finalize the Sale

Now that you’ve found a buyer and set your selling price, finalize the sale. Here’s how to finalize the sale:

  • Name Change: When possible, a buyer will contact the reservation department at the defaulting hotel to change a hotel reservation to a buyer’s name. Pass along all information and confirm the task is completed.

  • Booking Confirmation: Subsequently, a confirmation email of the modified booking needs to be sent to the buyer in full detail. Include all the other information that would be helpful for the buyer. Such as check-in procedures or how to get in contact with the hotel.

  • Payment: If you are reselling your reservation via the website. They will also handle payment and release the money to you only after the buyer checks in. If you are selling directly, make sure to get the payment before transferring the reservation.

  • Follow-Up – Once the customer checks out and the sale is fully closed, follow up to ensure nothing went wrong. This may help you in your sale of future bookings in that if you would love to persuade potential customers to leave you a review. The buyer can indicate your business was a well-oiled operation.

Legal and Ethical Concerns

Selling hotel reservation is a way to get back some. Of your prepaid money and is meant to be a complement. It must be examined in relation to the legality and above all, the ethical aspect.

  • Hotel Policies: It remains a point of most importance to always be abreast with the hotel policies in this regard with respect to changing of names and reservations in this regard. In case the hotel has specifically stated their no-sale on reservations policy. Then it would be advisable not to sell to avoid potential issues.

  • Avoid Scams and Frauds: Particularly when selling to individuals, do not entertain ‘frauds’ at any cost. Always take payment through a secured system and avoid sharing any of your sensitive personal information.

  • Transparency: Fully disclose terms and conditions of the reservation. And if need be, indicate limitations, and aspects that are not refundable. As such, honesty and open communication will both secure the seller against. A customer-provider dispute and assure the buyer of what they pay for.
How to sell your hotel room reservation
How to sell your hotel room reservation


The logical solution to travel arrangements that have gone sour is to sell. The hotel room booking that you have made. Know booking conditions, choose a proper platform, price correctly. And make a sale properly following best practices to ensure you are able to sell on your reservation. This way, you not only get compensated. But another traveler can seize the opportunity to enjoy their stay in a fantastic hotel at a bargain. The only thing is to stay updated with the current legal and ethical considerations. So that it will be a smooth and secure transaction.

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